Best November San Diego Landscaping Tips

Top Tips for November Landscaping in San Diego

November is here, we’ve set our clocks back, and we’re bracing ourselves for the start of the rainy season. Yes, change is in the air, and so are spiders and spider webs, so be on the lookout for those. The upcoming winter season provides an excellent opportunity to enhance and maintain your outdoor space. That means you can refresh edible and ornamental gardens, but don’t plant any tropical or subtropical plants right now.

With winter storms coming, you’ll want to ensure your young trees are well-staked. If you have dense trees, prune them now, too.

In this article, we’ll explore the best November San Diego landscaping tips tailored to the unique climate in USDA Hardiness Zone 8, Zone 9, and Zone 10.

What to Plant in Your Garden This Month

PansyAdd Seasonal Color

Plant winter-flowering varieties such as pansies, calendulas, violas, poppies, primroses, and other cool-weather flowers. These resilient plants can add vibrant color to your landscape during the colder months. Do you want to create a visually appealing and welcoming atmosphere? You can learn more about how to make your landscape pop here.

California poppyPlant a Native Wildflower Garden

Now is a good time to sow seeds for wildflowers such as California poppy, Purple Chinese houses, and Mountain Garland. Plant or sow them before a big storm hits or between storms.


November San DIego Garden TipsEdible Garden

  • Winter Vegetables: You can plant a variety of winter vegetables, such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, lettuce, mustard, and other greens. Plant beets, turnips, carrots, radishes, and other root crops. You can also plant asparagus, artichoke, and rhubarb.
  • Winter Herbs: Keep your kitchen well-stocked with herbs you grow in your garden. Continue planting winter herbs like lavender, rosemary, thyme, and rue.
  • november San Diego gardening tipsPlant Sweet Onions in November to enjoy the harvest next June.

Lawn Care in November San Diego

  • November San Diego lawn care tipsOverseed warm-season lawn
  • Feed cool-season lawns with fertilizer
  • Do NOT feed warm season lawns (they will go dormant this time of year)
  • Rake falling leaves to keep your lawn healthy

November Feeding and Maintenance Needs for Plants, Trees, and Shrubs

Novernber San Diego Gardening TipsHerbs: Prune sage, lavender, and rosemary to shape it. November is a good time to harvest herbs such as ginkgo leaves, lemongrass, fennel seed, and chaste berries.

Fruit Trees: Young avocado, citrus, and subtropical fruit trees will benefit from frost protection.

Deciduous Fruit Trees: You’ll want to prune deciduous fruit trees and vines after their foliage has dropped. Spray them with dormant spray — it will eliminate insects, insect eggs, and over-wintering fungi.

Clean Up: Remove dead leaves and debris. Clean gutters and drains to prepare them for winter storms.

Mulch: Apply a layer of mulch around trees, on flower beds, and shrubs. This conserves moisture, reduces weeds, and prevents disease.

November San Diego Gardening TipsTip: Plant Milkweed to attract Monarch butterflies — they love it!

Watering Needs

Reset your irrigation timer so that it waters less frequently

Reduce watering to your roses

Continue irrigating fruit trees periodically until winter rains begin

Water citrus trees once a month, but be sure not to let them dry out during times of frost or freeze

Water trees and shrubs every week or every week and a half

watering roses

Experience Quality Service. The Difference...Is Growing

November is an excellent time to plant. If your commercial property could use a revamp, we can provide you with a cost-effective solution that will elevate your outdoor space. Call us at 760-650-3120 or message us online for a free quote.

Let's work together

Do you have a landscaping project in mind? is it time for a new HOA landscaping company? Westturf Landscape can help. We offer a wide range of services, from synthetic turf installation to weed and brush clearance and complete landscape transformations. When it comes to quality, efficient landscaping services, we have you covered.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Westturf Landscape Management
701 Mercantile Street
Vista, CA 92083
Phone: 760.650.3120

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