September Gardening To-Do List: Fall Gardening in San Diego

September Gardening To-Do List

Let’s face it. Fall in San Diego is nice. The average temperatures are in the 70s, so we can still soak up the summer-like weather without all the tourists. And when it comes to gardening in Zones 9 – 11, there are still plenty of things to do to keep it thriving. Here are some tips you can use to keep your garden going strong.

July gardening tips

Gardening Tips and Tricks

September is an excellent time to prep and maintain your garden, especially if July and August heatwaves were keeping you from keeping up with your gardening tasks.

Start Your Vegetable Garden

Reap the rewards of growing your own vegetables. September is an excellent time to grow broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, lettuce, and more! You can read more about fall vegetable gardening here. Make sure to remove old vegetable plants that aren’t producing. Doing this will help get rid of pests and diseases in your garden.


Stay on top of weeds, and don’t let them get out of control. The last thing you want is for weeds to go to seed. So, pull them when they’re young or after rainfall (they’re much easier to pull).

Are weeds taking over your landscape? Consider hiring a professional landscaper for weed abatement services.

TIP: If you have weeds in your yard, you can spray them with Industrial Vinegar (available at most major hardware stores)


Mulching is beneficial to your garden, so make sure to check the mulch around your plants. Adding organic mulch gives your garden a fresh look and enriches the soil as it breaks down over time. Mulch can also put a stop to weeds and during heavy rains, winds, and storms, can prevent soil erosion. Mulch also helps retain moisture, which is a big help during bouts of dry weather.


Zones 9-11 can be dry during the month of September. Look for dryness and ensure that plant root systems stay adequately hydrated. Of course, knowing how much water to give depends on a variety of factors, such as where you live (inland or coastal), your shady or sunny garden, etc. So, with that said, it’s always better to water deeply and less frequently. Water early in the morning.


Before you know it, cool weather will be here, so stop fertilizing shrubs and trees. Fertilize vegetable gardens on an as-needed basis. If your lawn is a cool-season variety, fertilize it. Some of our region's most common cool-season grasses include Tall Fescue, Fine Fescues, Perennial and Annual Ryegrass, and Kentucky Bluegrasses.

What to Plant in September

  • Spring wildflowers
  • Spring-blooming bulbs
  • Cool-season vegetables
  • Cool-season annuals
  • Hardy perennials
  • Seed cool-season lawns towards the end of September

More Helpful Tips for Gardening in September

  • Save the seeds from self-pollinating flowers such as coneflowers, cosmos, or marigolds to plant them next spring. You can do this by drying them and storing them in closed containers.
  • You can help your pumpkin plants ripen by removing some foliage from them.
  • Late September is ideal for removing female flowers from pumpkins, melons, and squash.
  • In late September, remove immature fruit from pumpkins, eggplants, squash, melons, and tomatoes as they have less chance of fully maturing.
  • Tidy up your landscape: pick up any dried foliage, dropped leaves, or dropped fruit.

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If you're looking for commercial landscaping services that enhance your community, look no further than Westturf Landscape Management, Inc. Our experts take pride in providing diligent landscaping services for HOAs, apartments, retail spaces, and more. If you're ready to upgrade your landscaping services, call us at 760-650-3120 or message us online.

Let's work together

If you have a creative project in mind or are looking to make your HOA job more manageable, get in contact with Westturf Landscape Management. When it comes to quality efficient landscaping services, we have you covered. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Westturf Landscape Management
701 Mercantile Street
Vista, CA 92083
Phone: 760.650.3120

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