Westturf News

How to Recognize Turfgrass Weeds and Diseases

How to Recognize Turfgrass Weeds and Diseases As the temperatures rise, so do turfgrass weeds and diseases. We’ll discuss the top turfgrass weeds and diseases our lawn care experts may see popping up on properties throughout San Diego County. Turfgrass Weeds to Look For Large Crabgrass Large crabgrass seeds will germinate when soil temperatures reach…

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How to Design a Low-Maintenance Waterwise Garden

How to Design a Low-Maintenance Waterwise Garden Water is a precious source of life that we can no longer take for granted. Water must be used wisely. The good news is that by creating a waterwise landscape, you can reduce water usage and cut down on your water bill. Drought Tolerant Landscaping Some people think…

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How to Design a Sustainable Butterfly Garden

How to Design a Sustainable Butterfly Garden Don’t you love it when butterflies visit your garden? It’s magical. Watching them flutter from flower to flower, searching for nectar, is a beautiful sight. Butterflies aren’t just magical creatures; they’re also pollinators. During the last several years, large-scale farming and property development has decimated butterfly habitats. But…

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July Gardening To-Do List: San Diego Edition

July Gardening To-Do List: San Diego Edition Summer in San Diego means sunshine, rising temperatures, and good times. But as we adjust to warmer days and nights, so do the plants in our landscape. Fortunately, you can help the plants in your landscape with these July gardening tips: Create a temporary shady area to protect…

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How to Choose Fire-Resistant Plants in San Diego County

How to Choose Fire-Resistant Plants in San Diego County Fire season is a year-round concern in California. The memory of the October 2023 Firestorm and the devastation it caused to homes and structures is still fresh. Many of the properties that were lost had an inadequate “defensible space.” A defensible space acts as a shield…

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Celebrate National Pollinator Week: What to Grow in Your Garden

Celebrate National Pollinator Week: What to Grow in Your Garden June 17th to 23rd is National Pollinator Week. Let’s make a buzz!   First, the bad news. Habitat loss is a significant contributor to the massive decline of pollinators. If pollinators were wiped out, humanity and all the terrestrial ecosystems on Earth wouldn’t survive. After…

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June Gardening To-Do List: San Diego Edition

June Gardening To-Do List: San Diego Edition Ahh, June. Kids are starting their summer break, vacation plans are in motion, and foggy mornings and sunny afternoons are the norm. Sure, there are overcast days, so this time of year is affectionally called “June Gloom.” However, the cool morning and afternoon warming patterns are ideal for…

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Eliminating Weeds the Sustainable Way: Tips for 2024

Eliminating Weeds the Sustainable Way: Tips for 2024 You’ll want to clear weeds during the first four weeks of their life to prevent them from taking vital nutrients from the soil. At Westturf, we take pride in using little to no chemicals to remove weeds. Getting rid of weeds naturally is better for the environment…

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How to Spice Up Your Yard with an Herb Garden

How to Spice Up Your Yard with an Herb Garden It doesn’t get much better than spicing up a meal with fresh-grown herbs. Herbs add flavor to meals and benefit your overall health. People have been growing herbs for thousands of years, both for culinary and medicinal benefits. So, if you’re looking for ways to…

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Top Signs Your Irrigation System Needs Repair in 2024

Top Signs Your Irrigation System Needs Repair in 2024 Failing to recognize a broken irrigation system can become a nightmare. After all, when there are broken sprinklers and pipes, your water bill will skyrocket. Plus, all that water is going to be wasted. Then there’s a mess to think about. Fortunately, there are noticeable signs…

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