Posts Tagged ‘San Diego HOA landscapers’

June Gardening To-Do List: San Diego Edition

June Gardening To-Do List: San Diego Edition Ahh, June. Kids are starting their summer break, vacation plans are in motion, and foggy mornings and sunny afternoons are the norm. Sure, there are overcast days, so this time of year is affectionally called “June Gloom.” However, the cool morning and afternoon warming patterns are ideal for…

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Eliminating Weeds the Sustainable Way: Tips for 2024

Eliminating Weeds the Sustainable Way: Tips for 2024 You’ll want to clear weeds during the first four weeks of their life to prevent them from taking vital nutrients from the soil. At Westturf, we take pride in using little to no chemicals to remove weeds. Getting rid of weeds naturally is better for the environment…

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How to Spice Up Your Yard with an Herb Garden

How to Spice Up Your Yard with an Herb Garden It doesn’t get much better than spicing up a meal with fresh-grown herbs. Herbs add flavor to meals and benefit your overall health. People have been growing herbs for thousands of years, both for culinary and medicinal benefits. So, if you’re looking for ways to…

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Top Signs Your Irrigation System Needs Repair in 2024

Top Signs Your Irrigation System Needs Repair in 2024 Failing to recognize a broken irrigation system can become a nightmare. After all, when there are broken sprinklers and pipes, your water bill will skyrocket. Plus, all that water is going to be wasted. Then there’s a mess to think about. Fortunately, there are noticeable signs…

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To Mow, or Not to Mow

To Mow, or Not to Mow No Mow May is one of the fastest growing trends on the landscaping scene. So, what is No Mow May? It’s a trend encouraging people to delay the first mow of the season. By delaying the first mow of the season and letting your lawn grow, you can temporarily…

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How to Brighten Up Your Garden in San Diego

How to Brighten Up Your Garden in San Diego Do you have a shady area in your yard that could use some color? Does San Diego’s May gray and June gloom weather patterns get you down? Do you want to combine yellow flowers with other colorful plants and flowers in your landscape? You can grow…

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Maximizing Water Conservation: Top Tips for Drought Landscaping

Westturf promotes and specializes in sustainable landscaping services that save water, reduce garden waste, and result in beautiful landscapes. A sustainable landscape protects your investment with environmentally friendly and sound horticultural practices. Let’s face it. California has been dealing with persistent drought for a while. Drought has drawn down water supplies, and relying on future…

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How to Achieve a Greener Future with Sustainable Landscaping

How to Achieve a Greener Future with Sustainable Landscaping Persistent drought is a problem in Southern California. However, sustainable landscaping can lead to a greener future. But how do we get there? Selecting the proper plants is one way to create an environmentally friendly, low-maintenance landscape. So, what are the most suitable types of plants…

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