January Landscape and Garden Tips for San Diego County

Landscape Tips for January in San Diego

January San DIego gardening tipsHappy New Year! 2025 is here and your garden is full of promise. January is typically the coldest month in San Diego County, and it can get wet, too. And while days feel chilly, we do get a welcome burst of midday sun which calls us out to our garden. With that said, we’re in the height of the dormant season, so it’s time for dormant pruning, spraying, and bare-root planting, like artichoke crowns. Keep reading for more landscape and garden tips for the month of January in San Diego.

Your Landscape in January: Dos and Don’ts

Harvest Rain: It’s not secret that average rainfall in San Diego is minimal (less than 11 inches). You can use rain barrels or redirect water from gutters routed into storm drains to empty into your landscape.

Protect Plants from a Deep Freeze: Make sure that the ground next to vulnerable plants are well irrigated as this moist soil holds heat and can help plants stand up to frost.

Don’t Irrigate your Landscape in the Rain: Monitor and adjust your irrigation schedule.

Plan an Edible Landscape: January is the perfect time to grow a backyard orchard. Add stone fruit and apple trees to your edible landscape. We’ll add suggestions for your backyard orchard below.

Visit a California Native Plant Garden: You can see California native plants at their peak from January through March. Plan a visit to the San Diego Botanic Garden in Encinitas.

Prune and Spray Fruit Trees: Pruning is an ideal way to keep the trees in your landscape healthy. Remove dead or diseased branches to open up your trees to ample sunlight.

Mulch: Keep mulching around vegetable and flower beds, shrubs and trees to stay ahead of weeds.

Prepare for Wind and Rain: Consider erosion control materials, like straw wattles and mats, jute netting, and silt fence.

Control rust on lawns

january landscape tips san diego

What to Plant in Your Landscape in January in San Diego

Apple and stone fruit trees for your backyard orchard:

  • Dorset Golden Apple
  • Red Baron Peach
  • Burgundy Plum
  • Arctic Stat Nectarine

Bare-root (dormant) roses: January is the perfect time to plant bare-root roses.

Bare-root berries: Berries suitable for San Diego climate include blackberry varieites such as youngberries and boysenberries.

Succulents: Cacti bloom in winter and spring, so it’s a perfect time to purchase some new types!

Bare-root grape vines: Choose a variety that fits your climate. Carefully train it and prune regularly.

Bare-root ornamental trees: Purple-leaf plum, Chinese Pistache, Chinese flame, birch, and Chilopsis (desert willow) are all good options for planting in your landscape.

Azaleas and Camellias: Prime bloom months are January to March.

TIP: Harvest winter vegetables as soon as they are ready. Harvesting encourages more production.

Fertilizing in January

landscape tips januaryFruit trees and vines:

    • Coastal region: start fertilizing your citrus trees in January
    • Inland: You can wait until March to start fertilizing

Herb garden: Fertilize your herb garden with compost.

Watch out for These Pests in Your Garden

  • Snails and Slugs
  • Aphids
  • Rats and Mice
  • Gophers
  • Caterpillars
  • Peach Leaf Curl
  • Weeds

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701 Mercantile Street
Vista, CA 92083
Phone: 760.650.3120

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